Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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# Message from: Ian Feldman, the Current Setext Oracle
# Date: Sun, 16 Aug 92 08:19:00 +0100 (CET)
# Reply-To: setext-list@random.se (Keepers of The Setext Flame[tm])
# Replaces: setext_concepts_Mar92.etx
# Lines: 240
# Subject: setext_concepts_Aug92.etx
Thank you for your interest in the setext format. Enclosed is an
advance sheet that will remain in effect until the first public
release of the setext format package (originally planned for around
March 1st, 1992, now delayed).
If you recognize some of the arguments presented here then that is
the price that you are paying for having been an early bird. ;-))
Please note that my email address may change in the near future;
consult the trailer of weekly issues of TidBITS for the most
current one.
What is setext
As originally explained in TidBITS#100 and mentioned there from
now on, that publication now comes "wrapped as a setext." The noun
itself stands for both a method to wrap (format) texts according
to specific layout rules and for a single _structure_enhanced_
text. The latter is a text which has been formatted in such a
fashion that it contains clues as to the typographical and logical
structure of its source (word-processed) document(s), if any.
Those clues, which I call "typotags," facilitate later automatic
detection of that structure so it can be validated and extracted/
processed/ transformed/ enhanced as needed, if needed.
It follows that setexts, being nothing but pure text (albeit with
a special layout), are eminently readable using ANY editor or
word processor in existence today or tommorrow, and not only on
the Macintosh either. ANY computer, any computer program that is
capable of opening and reading text files can be used for reading
setexts. By default all properly setext-ized files will have an
".etx" or ".ETX" suffix. This stands for an "emailable/ enhanced
text", the ExtraTerrestrial overtones nothwistanding ;-))
Unlike other forms of text encoding that use explicit, visible tag
elements such as <this> and <\that>, the setext format relies
solely on the presence of _implicit_ typotags, carefully chosen
to be as visually unobtrusive as possible. The underlined word
above is one such instance of the defacto "invisible" coding.
Inserted typotags will at worst appear as mere "typos" in the text.
Similarly, just to give an example, here is a short description
of the four types of word emphasis typotags that setexts MAY
contain, limited to one emphasis type ONLY per word or word group:
------------------- ---------------------------- --------------
**aBoldWord** **multiple bold words** ; bold-tt
_anUnderlinedWord_ _multiple underlined words_ ; underline-tt
~anItalicWord~ ; italic-tt
aHotWord_ multiple_hot_words_ ; hot-tt
the 'hot-tt' is synonymous with the 'grouped' style of HyperCard
only single ~italic~ words are allowed for visual-clarity reasons
Please note, however, that the <end> strings previously found in
TidBITS #100-110 were not part of the format as such, but were
added by Adam Engst for a specific setext-raterrestrial purpose.
Why is setext
Data formats like the RTF (Rich Text Format) and SGML (Standard
Graphic Markup Language) have been designed for processing ONLY
by software. Setext, on the other hand, has been _optimized_
for reading directly by human eyes on what probably is still the
lowest common denominator of today's computer hardware, an 80-
character by 24-line terminal screen (or, in effect, any computer
screen). It follows that the format is intended chiefly for
smaller texts, those of a size that a human reader might find
within her capacity of overview.
I need to state explicitly that although TidBITS is currently the
only setext publication in wide distribution, the setext is NOT
synonymous with that of TidBITS's layout. Many other distinctive
layouts are possible. TidBITS is therefore just an _instance_ of
the format, not THE setext format. More specifically, that also
means that any of you thinking of writing a "TidBITS browser"
should in reality be considering a "setext browser." Otherwise
your program will in all probability be able to recognize only
today's specifically-formatted TidBITS and no other future setext
publications (which are in the making), including that of a future
possibly changed or modified TidBITS.
How come is setext
The idea of a common format for online-distributed publications
grew in my mind since approximately 1986-87. It came into focus
after I started corresponding with Adam C. Engst, following my
April, 1990 criticism of the original TidBITS presented as a
HyperCard stack. Gradually it ceased to be a redesign effort for
the TidBITS and became instead a generic format for all kinds of
electronic publications (which I affectionately call "the compu-
rags" ;-)). I hit on the current "tagless" version of the format
in the winter of 1990 and the first internal beta product -- a
setext encoder for TidBITS -- saw the light of the day in July of
1991. Later Adam wrote a setext-encoding Nisus macro for his
personal use, the one he now uses to wrap the weekly issues of
TidBITS (he isn't putting all those spaces and dashes in there
entirely by hand! ;-))
As can be seen from the above setext is not some quickie project,
though up and finalized in a few afternoons. A lot of thought
has gone into it and some of it has survived to the present day.
Needless to say the format definition will be placed in the
public domain and its use actively promoted by the many parties
that have expressed an interest in adopting it for their own use.
What for is setext
The setext (data) format is intended primarily for use by online-
distributed periodic publications. It is particularly well-suited
to all kinds of electronic digests and other types of repetitively
disseminated text information. Despite its formal appearance as
"mere stream of unenhanced ASCII characters on a computer screen"
setext is rich enough and unambiguous enough to permit construction
of fairly complex encoding engines for specific application purposes
(also on top of the format) and to allow easy implementation of a
countless number of front-end browsers/ decoders and other
reading/ archiving-enhancement tools.
While setext does, indeed, allow the preservation of a source
text's structure it does not, by definition, guarantee the 100%
ability to recreate it at the destination. Any word originally
styled as **bold** may in effect end up as Yellow-On-Black or be
set in a different font, or considered a candidate for a
cumulative keywords list or be deemphasized at will. There are
not now and never will be any rules to govern how decoded setexts
should be presented at the receiving end. It will be up to each
front-end's author to ensure that decoded (no-longer-)setexts are
presented in a fashion that's agreeable to his/ her end users.
There is plenty of sound advice and recommendations on how to
achieve that but that's an entirely different matter.
Those principles also apply to decoding of a setext's logical,
rather than merely its typographical, structure. The format does
not rely on some large set of predefined, unambiguous, mutually-
exclusive rules. Rather, it "knows of" just the barest set of
typotags (1 required, 12 optional), knows their symbolic purpose
and what criteria to use when looking for and validating them in
a setext. This approach differs some from the commonly heard
programmers' wish for clearly-delimited data patterns that could
be scanned for quickly and their position used as an offset to
the text to be displayed.
Setext has those patterns too but, since it relies primarily on
defacto "invisible" elements that could also be part of the text
itself, it must validate them first before proceeding with any
enhancements. Writing a real setext decoder is therefore
conceptually much closer to (though nowhere near as hard as)
writing an SGML application than it is to writing a macro routine
to munge some data in one predefined fashion. In spite of all
that, setext tools should be easily implementable with, and no
more complex than, typical HyperTalk, sed, awk and perl scripts.
The barest minimum required for such an attempt is an intelligent
search/ replace function in a programmable macro editor. Though
yet to be proven, conceptually there is nothing in the format to
prevent implementation of real-time setext browsers written in,
say, some advanced pattern-matching macro language of a terminal
emulator program.
Where is setext
As of now (Aug '92) there is finally one validated setext browser
in existence, the Easy View 2.1 application, written by Akif Eyler,
free to distribute and use. Though not yet capable of decoding
style-typotags nor unwrapping (reflowing) paragraphs of text, it
is a very nice application all the same. It allows for cumulative
indices of TidBITS or any other setext, and is capable of parsing
and displaying a few other useful data formats as well (Info-Mac
Digest among others). Adam Engst has uploaded it to CompuServe
(MACSYS #6), ZiffNet/Mac (ZMC:DOWNTECH #0), America Online ("look
for a new TidBITS library in the Hardware forum coming soon"), and
the mother of all Macintosh archives, the <sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
(look for it in /info-mac/digest/tb or /info-mac/app directories).
It is, no doubt, already present at many private Bulletin-Board
Systems etc. Read "TidBITS#136/03-Aug-92" for more information
about the Easy View 2.1 and, if you use the application, do write
Akif a note of appreciation.
Other than that I have a working prototype of a setext front-end,
which has been "not far from completion" for the last half year or
so (draw your own conclusions). A paging macro routine for the
rn, a popular newsreader under unix, allowing forward jumps to the
next topic of any TidBITS read online in comp.sys.mac.digest group
has been published in TidBITS#110/09-Mar-92. On top of that there
is a mailing list for developers and future setext publishers:
<setext-list@random.se>. If interested, please send me a short
note stating degree of your future involvement (wants to write a
setext tool or 'just an observer/ future user') and your Internet-
accessible email address and I will put you on the list and/ or
reply as soon as possible.
When is setext
Due to a varying work load and other distractions between the
original announcement of the planned release and the actual date
of it, the browser that I am writing is not yet ready. I do not
intend to repeat the mistake of preannouncing it again. Instead
please feel free to join the mailing list through which the rest
of the specifications will be published. The full release will
contain approximately 150K worth of setexts on setext along with
a demo browser written in HyperCard (2.0) that will permit
showing of the format's capabilities in a dynamic rather than
the strictly textual and sequential fashion. Those of you who
know me, know also of the high standards of coding that I try to
adhere to.
If you're among those that have already written a prototype
that's based mainly on a reverse-engineered layout of the current
TidBITS then you'd be well advised not to release it without prior
validation of it by me. Please do not call your product a
"setext browser" (or whatever) UNLESS it is truly capable of
parsing all (future) setextized docs, not solely the TidBITS.
How is setext
A lot can (and will) be said about it but there is one claim no
other text encoding method can make: "there is a lot more of me
than meets the eye" ;-))
Who is setext
The setext format and its underlying philosophy isBroughtToYouBy
Ian Feldman <ianf@random.se>. I live in Stockholm, Sweden, Europe.
I used to work as and describe myself variously over the years
but now simply contend myself with being just a free Human Factors
thinker and tinkerer.
.. last line contains a twodot-tt, a tag signifying the logic end of
.. text while those three lines are all suppress-typotagged ones, i.e.
.. can be suppressed (hidden) by a front-end application by default.
This text is wrapped as a setext. For an index of informational
files on our sponsors' products, or to submit comments or
suggestions, please send email to <sponsors@tidbits.com>.
This information brought to you by the TidBITS Fileserver, conveniently
located near you at <fileserver@tidbits.com>. To speak with a
human, send email to Adam C. Engst at <ace@tidbits.com>. Enjoy!